Week in Review on gillaspytraining.com:
I Can’t or I Can
It’s not uncommon for people to start falling into the I can’t mindset. This is especially true for people that have been dealing with some sort of pain for quite a long time. What the mind thinks, the body can follow so it’s important to not get too carried away with this type of thinking.
Hands on Knees a Sign of Weakness?
A sign of weakness or a sign of intelligence? Not letting your body resort to its natural recovery postures might not be the smartest thing one could do. With that being said, there are some times when I try to keep my hands off my knees and that’s during training. I like to be able to get an accurate measure of how fast recovery is happening without going hands to the knees, but during competition hands on knees should be taken advantage of at any time possible.
Pearcy Progress
Pearcy has been working hard on adding strength and stability.
Carson’s First Real Workout
This was a lot of fun for Carson and I. He had been wanting to come stay at our house for a while now and we were finally able to make it happen. I was impressed with his focus and attention detail, he wanted to make sure he was doing everything right. Not something you see a lot of at his age.
Blake’s Progress
Blake initially tested his long jump at 3 feet, and within 3-4 months he has boosted that to 4 feet.
Are You Down With the Sickness
Not so fun week for me as I came down with the cold flu. First noticed symptoms Tuesday night and HRV scores dropped every day leading up to this post. HRV is a great measure of the overall stress the body is under and allows you to make better training decisions. This was a perfect example of why we need to be cautious about training when sick.
Thanks for reading and have a great week!
P.S. When you’re ready, here’s how I can help.
1. Sign up for training in person or online.
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